Double room with WC and shower

Stay in the green and relax

In a quiet location, Schacht III offers 58 beds in 5 single rooms, 25 double rooms with WC and shower and 2 rooms with 3 beds, barrier-free rooms, disabled toilet, as well as a sauna with cold water basin and outdoor swimming pool.

Accessibility information

Our house has a wheelchair accessible room, a handicapped shower with WC on the floor and a wheelchair ramp.

Double room with WC and shower

CategoryOne night with breakfastwith breakfast and dinnerWith full board
Single room with WC / shower70 €+ 12 €+ 21 €
Double room with WC / shower100 €+ 24 €+ 42 €

Children under 3 years free of charge, from 4 to 8 years: 60% discount, 9-13 years: 50% discount when staying in their parents’ room. Group rates on request